We've been all of a dither this week. Our domestic routine has gone to the dogs.
Getting to grips with MT commuting was simple - lift to dinky station and back again. Nothing hard about that. Getting two people to town, well that takes a bit more consideration. After two attempts we think we've worked it out - up 15 minutes earlier and leave the before the traffic builds up. Yes, we do have traffic jams here too!
With builders still coming and going it's hard to keep the domestic standards up but hopefully now the painters have finished inside that will be it for a while. Still waiting on the granite worksurfaces which is frustrating as we were hoping to have them in place this weekend. Cooking is possible but there is much toing and froing to the sink in the utility room which makes the whole experience of making a meal hard work.
Still, I'm looking out the window from Domestic Executive HQ and can see the cows lying down in the field chewing their cud with little care in the world. The view is still there every day and whilst we're still adjusting to the new routines it's not easy to get stressed when you're surrounded by the hills and nature at it's best.
Tomorrow there is high excitement, we're heading over the hill for our Saturday brunch and shopping expedition. Greytown here we come.