Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Home at last!

We're in. We're black and blue, weary and all unpacked out. But happy!

Sorry there's no pics to share the experience but we're waiting for my new office furniture before setting up the computer that has all the necessary gubbins needed for photoblogging. Hopefully normal service will be resumed at the weekend.

The move out was as smooth as it can be and my friend Amanda and I scrubbed and polished so that everything in the rental was shiny. We arrived hot and bothered to find the unloading done at the house and MT testing out the new sofas. With enough energy to put together the bed and make it we collapsed in a heap bemoaning all the snagging still to be done.

But we're in. The views are amazing – you can lie in bed and see the mountains peering back. The neighbours are friendly – 8 cows and 6 sheep. We've unpacked about 80 boxes and unearthed stuff we didn't even remember we had.

There is still a daily digest of builders, painters, electricians, barn builders, landscapers to come but who cares – only 5-6 weeks to get it finished before our first visitors arrive. Oh, not quite our first – that was two ducks who came swimming in our lake size puddles following the weekend rain. Hopefully if I can get the technology working I'll post the video for you to see.

Anyway, I'm off line till the weekend as it's back to work tomorrow and I'm away in Martinborough. Well that's what I'm telling MT, it's more like a few days retreat to recover from the move!

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