Saturday, January 13, 2007

Countdown to being a domestic executive - 37 weeks to go

Over the years I've learned that restarting work after a holiday on a Monday is definitely a bad idea. The thought of a full working week stretching a head when you can barely remember the name of the person who shares your desk pod is not a good space to be in.

This week MT and I returned to work on a Wednesday and of course the three days passed in a flash. Sadly it was only about 2pm on Friday when my mind actually ground into action and I was able to do something constructive. I can't imagine what it's going to be like for people who've been off work for much longer.

Hard to believe that we're almost half way through January and my countdown continues at a rate of knots. Worth flagging now that we've been in "dialogue" with the builders and architects for our house project and it may be that this kiddie needs to extend her deadline for work a few weeks if we're to get carpets, curtains and appliances in the new house!

Boy, you can read all the books and watch Grand Designs as many times as you like but it still doesn't really prepare you for the detail that you need to keep a handle on and most importantly the design aspirations of your architect. Beautiful all the fiddly bits might be but they can rack up the costs at an astounding rate that we are just not prepared to afford.

So this weekend its about reviewing the specification again and shopping for tiles, bathrooms and appliances so we can nail down the detail and fine tune the costings more. Although this is scary when you look at the $s in the spreadsheet there is a sense that we are actually getting closer to the achievement of our kiwi dream.

In the meantime, the real world starts again on Monday and I really must try harder to be productive this coming week and practise the names of my staff!

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