Saturday, March 31, 2007

Counting down to Easter

Phew, another week passes in a flash. Now it's only a four day countdown until the Easter long weekend. Can't wait to step off the executive grind for a few days and seek out some warm weather up on the East Coast.

We're off to Hawkes Bay for some r&r with hop along in tow. Naomi is joining us to see the sights and chill out at the vineyards.

We must be getting old as we're returning to the same place we stayed last Easter which is a cottage in a beautiful location at Cape South. .

It's been a funny week with the weather - heatwave and autumn in Wellington and extreme storms up in Northland that have caused huge flooding in the Bay of Island. Not what you need just prior to the holiday weekend. Hopefully it will continue to stay fine long enough for us to get the foundations cemented in on the house.

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