Monday, July 24, 2006

The dance of insight

No time for photo blogging this weekend it's been full on practicing the dance of insight. No, this is not some new form of salsa but one of the many parts of becoming a professional coach. The whole learning experience was awesome and nothing quite like I've experienced before. After the usual first squirms of embarrassment and awkwardness after the three days my training coach colleagues and I were sharing like we'd been friends for life.

One of the things I knew I'd have to work hard on was my listening skills - after years of only taking in less than 100% of what I've heard in order to cover and cope with the scope of work, starting to listen so intently was a massive struggle. It wasn't a good start to be totally bamboozelled by one of the first listening exercises which required me to look into the eyes of a fellow trainee. I knew this course was going to be novel but listening by looking - that was a new one on me!

Still, I've survived the first three days of intensive training and now have 12 weeks of study ahead. I never expected to need dancing shoes for this course but life's full of surprises - as I'm beginning to learn!

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