Thursday, January 03, 2008

It’s a scorcher

As part of my efforts to put a little spice into this blog I thought I talk about the heat we are having at the moment. Compared to last year it's a heat wave. Come to think of it, I think it's a heat wave per se.

Yes in the last 9 weeks we've had hardly any rain and consistently good temperatures in the 20's (30C on New Year's Day). Whilst it's not been perfect, it's t-shirt and shorts weather and the sun Nazi is back on duty with the slip on a shirt, slap on a hat and slop on the sun cream. You can't be too careful in this part of the world. Those windy Wellington days can be very deceptive.

Bassets don't like the heat at all. It makes them tired and cranky with a tendency to loll around, usually wiping their watering mouths all over your clean clothes. Still, I cherish my Bassets more today than ever after reading a tragic story in the paper about 2 bassets that died from toxins they picked up on a walk around the Hutt River this week. They were owned by a local breeder who has been walking their dogs for years in this spot but with the hot weather and low water levels the algae had populated the river bank and having eaten this they died within hours.

Anyway time for me to take advantage of my shady veranda and admire the view. It's a hard life for this domestic executive who working hard at vacationing!

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