Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A trip to the beach

It's important that Fortnum and Mason's horizons are expanded and they don't think that the world is flat or that it stops at our gate. For their first outing we took them to Petone beach. It has to be said it's far from a beautiful beach but there are lots of new sights and smells to be explored.

There was much excitement on arrival which turned to fear when another dog came along to say hello. Mason was most jumpy and hid behind Fortnum who was already hiding behind me! After realising that perhaps they were safe after all we ventured down the beach a little which opened up a whole new world to our bassets which was real exciting for all of us!

"Hmm, not sure about this, I think we''ll hang around with the alpha female for a while!"
"Bummer, something's in my way!"
"Bah, you just jump over it!" ("Oof, that was harder than I thought. Now I'm beached on log")

"Tell you what, if you distract her, I'll make a run for it, and then you follow me!"

Mason making an escape!

"Ah well, I tried. Best I stick with the two legged folks, I'm not sure about this blue stuff.
Looks wet to me and like that stuff they put me in to make me clean."

"You mean we can't stay at the beach??"

"Ah well, best have a snooze then till we're home again!"

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