Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Basset Blogging: back home with family

Since we didn't think that Fortnum and Mason would be able to stand a day at the cricket we packed them off to their basset family for the Easter break. They were very excited when they arrived to be back in familiar territory happily climbing into their kennels when we arrived.

When we went to pick them up they were sitting happily with their brother and sister peering through the gate waiting for us. They were definitely pleased to see us, jumping up and squeeking loudly with Mason trying to get through the gate and not being held back by the fact he was simply to big to squeeze through the gap!

Here's a few pics of their basset family. You have to understand that Basset photography is a complete profession in its own right but hopefully you'll get a sense of their whanau at least.

From left to right: Bonnie, Clyde, Mason and Fortnum
Hot boys!
Four of the five adult bassets at Courtside Kennels

Abbie (mum) and Berkley (uncle) - can you see the family resemblance?

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