Thursday, May 08, 2008

Dew sniffers

At last the freezing temperatures have gone away. For how long I don't know but it's an all round relief in Domestic Executive HQ.

There is nothing our basset hounds like more is to sniff the morning dew. It was frozen for them yesterday but this morning we were back with plenty for them to enjoy. It is a bit chilly hanging around waiting for them to complete their investigations but they are hounds and their trade mark is sniffing. It wouldn't be fair to deny them their fun.

I still think that the "lawn" is a huge disappointment to Fortnum and Mason. Without a full stretch of grass to sniff, lick and usually eat it can be hard work differentiating from the dirt.

Here's some basset blogging to show our dew sniffers at work!

1 comment:

Helen Leggatt said...

Fabulous blog guys! It seems we've been through some similar experiences and both adore our lives in New Zealand - long may it continue. I shall check in often...

Helen Leggatt
Rural Canterbury, NZ