Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The hill billies are moving in

Our beekeeper friend Al came at the weekend to start the transition of the chickens to their new home here in Kaitoke. We're still waiting for their spanking new chicken house to arrive so Al offered to provide a temporary one for us.

You'll see from the photos that this is very temporary. It looks a little like the hill billies are moving in. I'd like to reassure you that our chucks have the finest wooden pallets, insulation and a water tight roof for over their heads. I'm a little worried that the front might be a bit drafty but hopefully it won't be for long.

All I need now is their food, feeder and water trough and we'll see the hill billies arrive on the back of Al's truck!


Marrisa said...

Hiya! Fantastic blog, I have loved reading your posts. The morning tea thing made me smile as I know exactly what you mean there - it takes some getting used to!

The snow photos are amazing - we live in Silverstream and can see the hills from here - very dramatic!

Can I add you to our blog page under 'other migrant stories'?

Will keep checking in on you, looking forward to seeing those chickens in the coop!!

Marrisa :-)

Domestic Executive said...

Hi Marrisa

How fun you're on the other side of the hill. We should definitely swop blog links. No sense in publishing otherwise!

Am glad the chooks are not here yet it's been so cold at night. I'm not sure I would sleep knowing they were there out in their hill billy shack.