Monday, May 19, 2008

Thistle harvest, basset style

As I was saying yesterday, Fortnum and Mason didn't exactly bound up the drive with enthusiasm to help with the Thistle Harvest. They were stitting rather comfortably in the sun on the veranda but eventually curiosity got the better of them and they did make it to the Thistle Patch.

This basset photo blogging captures two dogs making their contribution to a hard day's work. Yeah, right!

"Think it would be more comfy on the veranda"....."Yeah, I know but we have to show willing for a while then we can toddle off back for a snooze"

"Hey, look this looks fun - hanging on the side of the hill grabbing brown prickly stuff!"
"Yeah, whatever, I've got some tasty grass to chew on"

"You off, to help?"

Nah, I think I'll stay up here. The view's pretty good, the grass is comfy and the sun is shining!"

Do I look handsome enough for a picture?

"Hey, long grass down here - you can hide from the two legged ones"

"Do I look at handsome as Mason?"

"Help, I am helping.... get this prickly thing off my lying down place"


Marrisa said...

You are very busy people thats for sure - well except for those pooches! Look at how CUTE they are - fantastic photos! xx

Domestic Executive said...

It's fair to say that a dog's life is more leisurely, generally consisting of eating, sleeping, playing, sleeping, eating, sleeping, playing, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping......