Monday, June 02, 2008

Domestic Executive Hands

One of the down sides of being a Domestic Executive is that it plays havoc with your hands. Despite intensive treatments - Burt's Bees Intensive Cream (thanks Tara), Vaseline Intensive Care Cream (thanks Boots!) and Nivea cream - I've still got hands like sandpaper.

I know you're suposed to wear rubber gloves for housework, and I do, but it's just not practical all the time and they are not that comfortable. Combine housework with handwashing after dogs, chickens, gardening and DIY and it makes for a constant battering to my poor mitts.

When you add a bit of gorse harvesting to the mix it's fair to say that handshaking a domestic executive is not a pleasant thing (for the clients that is!).

With sore hands and pesistent rain I'm staying indoors for some gentle domestic executive duties today. The gorse, fencing, compost boxes and shovelling the top soil is just going to have to wait for another day.

1 comment:

rpp said...

My wife and I use olive oil on our hands, elbows and feet every evening. We sit and watch the evening news while rubbing the oil on the dry spots. It works wonderfully well. Good luck.